Laura’s Top Tips

Laura’s Top Tips To Try RIGHT NOW

Combine healthy eating with an exercise plan will make you feel more mentally alert, fitter, healthier, more confident, energised and motivated.

For Starters

The Eating Plan that you are given is individually tailored to suit you. Laura takes into account everything; your lifestyle, health, occupation, age, sex, weight and how many training sessions you will be undertaking within a week. You must remember that everyone has different needs and goals, which is why your eating plan is tailored to you and you only. For example, an IBS sufferer would have a completely different eating plan to a diabetic.

Basic Tips

To make your life easier always prepare your food in advance as this will give you access to good clean healthy food 24hrs a day. Junk foods are full of bad (refined) sugars and saturated fats and should be avoided to prevent numerous illnesses. In order to flush out toxins and keep your body hydrated drink at least 2 litres of water per day.

Eating Out

If you decided to eat out and don’t worry this is easier than you think. Try choosing a restaurant that will cater to your needs, most of them will be happy to cook chicken breast or some fresh fish for you along with a jacket potato and salad. Most restaurants will be more than happy to adapt their dishes and most of the time they cook it better than you could at home.

Make It Tasty

When you prepare and cook your food remember to spice it up put lots of seasoning. Colourful vegetables will add interest, texture and flavour as well as being an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Don’t let your food get bland – fight off the ‘quick take-away’ temptation by making your food tasty and appetising.

Going To Work 

Just because you are a full time employee this doesn’t mean you can’t eat healthily. All you need is a couple of airtight plastic containers, a cool bag and a bottle for your water. There is no excuse and if you do need to go out on that business lunch you know what to do and don’t let this make you feel uncomfortable. Remember you are what you eat!

Food For FuelRemember These Basic Steps:

Preparation is the key to success – Prepare your food in advance to fend off those quick-fix temptations. Make your food tasty – Just because it’s healthy, doesn’t mean it has to be tasteless.

Add seasoning and lots of colourful vegetables. When eating out, don’t be afraid to ask for healthy options – Most restaurants will cater to your needs.

Beware of fizzy and sugary drinks! Many concentrated fruit juices and fizzy drinks have high levels of sugar and so will be high incalories, which if taken in excess could cause weight gain, tooth decay and gum disease.

Stick to your Personalised Healthy Eating Plan and you really will start to see and feel the results within days.